December 10-12 Box Office Contest Finalists

West Side Story

As heartbreaking as it can be to see a Hollywood icon not connect with their audience despite delivering a cinematic product that has Oscar written all over it, Steven Spielberg was able to still deliver a box office champion in WEST SIDE STORY, but at a fraction of the opening weekend score His Holiness could generate back in the day.

With every dance move it could muster, WEST SIDE STORY grinded out $10.5 million in box office to win the December 10-12 weekend.

FlickWish congratulates our following finalists who still worship at the altar of Spielberg:

Brett Nolan Lunenburg, MA WEST SIDE STORY
Kyle Nolan North Chelmsford, MA WEST SIDE STORY
Ruth Blaney Littleton, MA WEST SIDE STORY

The winner of this box office contest was announced during the January 2 episode of FLICKWISH RISING: